Student Blogs

Soon it will all starts…

August 12th, 2011 cnjenk13

Ayubown!! That means “hello” or “good day” in Sinhalese.

It is really hard to imagine or even fathom the fact that in less than 2 weeks I will be getting on a plane to Sri Lanka! It feels like only yesterday I found out I was accepted to go and now it seems like time is escaping me between working, trying to learn a new language (Sinhala or Sinhalese), see my friends and family, and getting all the lovely vaccinations I need to get  before I leave.

This summer has been devoted to getting ready. Right after the first week of the 2011 Spring semester ended, I received a thick packet from the ISLE (Intercollegiate Sri Lanka Education) program of things to do for the fall. It contained books, language packs and a CD to introduce me to the language and start thinking about the culture I will be immersing myself into. It has now become somewhat of a daunting task, given that the any new language takes a while to become fluent in. I am enjoying it, though I sometimes get frustrated in the process of remembering the vast quantity of it.

On a better note, I received a letter from my host mother recently which put me in good spirits and I am even more excited to go. I am so ready to see, smell, taste and feel all the things my books have saying about this beautiful island country. I see it as something challenging but it will be an experience that I hope to cherish for the rest of my life.

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